7 December 2017, 6.15 pm Französische Str. 32, 10117 Berlin
Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives
Almost four years after the Revolution of Dignity the media attention towards Ukraine has dropped significantly, although the war in Donbas is still going on. The hope of Euromaidan for less corruption and more transparency in politics and economy is waning and although some reforms have been adopted in this direction, the oligarchic system still thwarts the progress. At the same time, there are some civil society organizations and politicians who continue to strongly advocate the goals of Euromaidan. Thus, the ambiguity of post-Maidan condition remains, begging the questions about its nature. What have been the main changes and challenges in politics, culture, and society since 2014? What is the influence of war on Ukrainian society and politics? How is the current situation perceived from within Ukraine and from without? Is it already possible to frame a post-Maidan Ukraine?
Welcome Addresses
Dr. Maja Sibylle Pflüger Deputy Head of Department, International Relations, Europe and its Neighbors, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart Professor Dr. Alexander Wöll President, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Participants of the discussion
Dr. Tatiana Zhurzhenko Research Director, Ukraine in European Dialogue, Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna Angelina Kariakina Editor-in-Chief, hromadske.ua, Kyïv Georg Genoux Theatre director, Theatre of Displaced People, Hamburg Dr. Andreas Prothmann Head of the Working Group Ukraine, German Foreign Office, Berlin
Moderation: Prof. Mykhailo Minakov Frankfurt (Oder)/Kyïv
PechaKucha: Introduction of Ukraine Calling Projects
Communicating the Conflict. A Graphic Novel about the Conflict in Donbas Anne Reis Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights e.V.
Culture of Remembrance in Ukraine on the Example of Football Peter Dittmann Gesellschaftsspiele e.V.
Website »Ukraine verstehen« Dr. Eduard Klein Zentrum Liberale Moderne (LibMod)
Please register until 4 December on our website: http://ukrainecalling.eu/events/memories-of-a-better-future/